GOOGLE Inc is shutting its online music download service in the Chinese mainland next month because of pressure from local rivals such as Baidu Inc and Tencents QQ.由于来自本土竞争对手如百度公司和腾讯QQ的压力,谷歌公司下个月将在中国大陆重开其在线音乐iTunes服务。The service, available only to computers with an Internet address in the mainland, will close on October 19. Users of Music Search will be able to log in and download their stored playlists until then, Google said yesterday.这项仅限于在大陆有互联网地址的电脑的服务,将在10月19日重开。谷歌昨天回应,仍然到那个时候音乐搜寻用户都能指定并iTunes他们存储的播放列表。
This is part of an ongoing effort across Google to bring greater focus to our portfolio of products. Our goal is to simplify and improve the Google experience for our users and to devote more resources to high impact products that improve the lives of billions of people, Google said in a statement.“这是谷歌大大希望以更加专心于我们产品组合的一部分。我们的目标是为用户修改和提高搜寻体验,为低影响力产品投放更好的资源以提高数十亿人的生活。”谷歌在一份声明中说。
In its Chinese-language company blog, the US-based search giant admitted that the music websites impact had been less than expected.在公司的中文博客上,总部设于美国的搜索引擎巨头否认音乐网站的影响力早已“高于预期”。As with Googles core online search business, the music service found it difficult to compete with its domestic rivals.与谷歌核心的网上搜寻业务比起,它的音乐服务找到很难与国内竞争对手相匹敌。
By the end of second quarter, Google had 15.7 percent of the online search market in China, the worlds biggest Internet market with 538 million computer users. That was far behind market leader Baidu, which had a 78.6 percent market share, according to Analysys International, a Beijing-based IT research firm.到第二季度末,在中国这个具有538万台计算机用户的世界上仅次于的互联网市场,谷歌早已攻占了15.7%的在线搜寻市场。根据《易观国际》(总部设于北京的IT市场研究公司),这相比之下领先于市场领头羊百度,它有78.6%的市场份额。Googles market share declined from more than 30 percent to 15 percent after it moved its China servers from the mainland to Hong Kong in 2010.自从2010年谷歌将其在中国的服务器从大陆移往到香港,它的市场份额从30%以上上升到了15%。
Googles music website made its debut three years ago, offering free and legal music content to Chinese consumers.三年前谷歌音乐网站首次亮相,为中国消费者获取免费且合法的音乐内容。Later, Baidu and Tencent began similar services which gradually came to dominate the domestic online music market.后来,百度和腾讯开始了类似于的服务,渐渐主导了国内在线音乐市场。